I am both honoured and excited to undertake my new role as Head of School, English International School (EIS) Moscow. This comes after two years as Head of Primary, a year as KS1 Coordinator and a total of four academic years as Year 2 teacher. Since joining EIS, I have achieved success in the classroom, led the Duke of Edinburgh Award for KS3-KS5 students, headed a high performing primary department and been part of the SLT team that successfully led the school through the Council of International Schools accreditation.
My personal qualifications include a 2:1 BA Honours Degree in History at Sunderland University before achieving my PGCE at the University of Northumbria, Newcastle. Recently, I completed the National Professional Qualification for Middle Leadership (NPQML). I then became employed at Hope Wood Academy in County Durham. I was a secondary PE teacher and form tutor responsible for the whole-school PE provision (EYFS up to sixth form). My personal interests include many physical activities from CrossFit to football. I am an avid reader who enjoys the outdoors and socialising with friends. My number one activity is spending time with my daughter.