We proud of our students!

Please, welcome the first sibling combo to the EIS Hall of Fame!

Prokhor Y6 and Maria Y9 are brother and sister. Maria has been in the Hall of Fame separately for her gymnastics but on this occasion, they both enter simultaneously.

And the reason? Well, they both entered an online music competition and performed admirably. As a solo artist, Prohor came third for playing the piano. As a duet, they came second playing the violin and piano together.

They received certificates for their accomplishments and proudly displayed them to the school. They're like a miniature version of The Carpenters!

Adel - Hall of Fame

Congratulations to Adel in Y6 as she is the first student of the academic year 2024-25 to enter the EIS Hall of Fame.

Adel, is part of the Big Theatre group and actually gets paid for her singing services. She brought into school her singing programme which covers beautiful pieces, including Italian opera. Adel mentioned she will be at the Bolshoi next month in some capacity. We are eager to see any forthcoming photos and schedules. It's all very remarkable and we look forward to seeing where her journey takes her over the next year!

Congratulations, Adel!

Congratulations to Y4's Sharjil for entering the EIS Hall of Fame!

Sharjil is a great role model to those around him, he is a Playground Ambassador as well as a Student Council. He is an excellent footballer and also helps others learn the game and conduct themselves appropriately. A great all-round student but the talent that has helped land him in this coveted hall is his art!

Sharjil recently had some artwork displayed on my door; in fact, I think it was his second. One piece is rare enough so it goes to show the talent on display. However, his crowning achievement was winning the Bangladeshi Embassy Art competition last year. I great achievement, indeed. It gets better, though, as he has recently won it again this year! Two years a winner and crowned champion. Wow!

Well done Sharjil, keep up the amazing art work and keep up being a brilliant student at EIS!


Daniel - Chess Champion

Daniel recently became a chess champion and won the coveted prize at a local tournament! What is, perhaps, even more impressive is that Daniel won his Headteacher's Award because he earned two certificates that are usually handed out to adults: one in molecular biology and on in biomedicine!

Kosei - Ballet

Kosei is very talented, especially in ballet. I could quite easily say the same thing about football actually as Kosei is an extremely good player - that's something I can testify about personally.

Kosei has been doing ballet for some years now and his sister, Minato, says he is always practicing, even in the house. Well, that will explain why he has achieved what he has done so far. Recently, Kosei was at an event where he qualified into the final six of 200 dancers to see who would win the grand prix. Guess what, he only went and won first place!

Absolutely amazing Kosei, a very talented young boy, indeed!

Kosei - Hall of Fame
Minato - Hall of Fame

Minato - Ballet

Like her brother, Minato is very talented and, especially, at ballet. Minato has been doing ballet for nearly 2 years which is a quarter of her life. In fact, when I asked Minato about what she loves about ballet she did not hesitate and instantly responded that it was spinning around!

Clearly, the hard work has paid off as Minato has had some great success so far. In her first event, she won second place, but more recently she came in at first place and proudly displayed her gold medal in front of EIS.

Well done, Minato, we look forward to further successes going forward!


I am delighted to induct Mariia into the EIS Hall of Fame. I am sure you will all agree as you read on!

From the age of 3, Mariia has excelled in the sport of rhythmic gymnastics. Mariia entered her first competition at the age of 5 and even picked up a silver medal at the event. She was 6 years old when she won her first gold medal and spent a large portion of her formative years in a sports academy dedicated to rhythmic gymnastics.

In her last competition, very recently, Mariia picked up a bronze medal, and before that, a gold medal. As you can see, Mariia is often amongst the medals; in fact, she has won 16 in total throughout her sporting journey.

In addition to all of this, Mariia is extremely smart and excels in the classroom as well as perform at a high standard in other athletic pursuits, especially running. A superb role model in every capacity, we are very lucky to have a student of Mariia's capacity at EIS.

Well done, Mariia, we are very proud of you!

Mariia Hall of Fame


Congratulations to Marina for being officially inducted into our EIS Hall of Fame!

Now, I knew Marina was a talented swimmer because she represented EIS in a 2022/23 swimming tournament when she was in Year 7 and won first place; this was against other competitors up to Year 9. However, I did not know just how talented she was until she revealed more details about her journey to swimming excellence.

Marina has been swimming since the age of 2 and actually won her first medal at the age of 5! Since then, she has acquired nearly 20 medals and multiple certificates. Marina delighted us at EIS by bringing in some of her collection and talking us through the stories behind them.

The future looks bright for Marina and she is sure to represent the school once again in any forthcoming tournaments as well as compete in external events in the Moscow region and, perhaps, beyond. Marina is a superb role model to us all at EIS, she has been disciplined and diligent in her journey, and from such a young age. She was able to explain to us all about the importance of regular training, practice and a healthy diet. Truly, an inspiration!

Well done, Marina!


We are delighted to announce Boris has entered the EIS Hall of Fame!

Boris is a multi-talented student, as we will soon find out, but it is without doubt his extraordinary academic accomplishments have landed him in the coveted EIS Hall of Fame.

For the 2020/21 academic year, Boris was able to achieve an A in his IGCSE Mathematics in when he was in Year 8! To put that in perspective, Boris achieved at 13 years of age which 16-year-old students will have been naturally proud to achieve. He actually scored 90% in that particular exam. The following year, as a Year 9 student, he achieved 87% in mock exam for Mathematics as part of his A Level course.

As mentioned earlier, Boris' talents do not just end there; for instance, he is a keen musician who can play the guitar and piano, and has done for many an EIS whole-school performance. The piano he plays especially well, and past performances for the school have been particular highlights.

He also influences the wider school community on a significant scale. In the past, he organised a chess tournament for the Secondary school and is himself a formidable player. For this reason, and those mentioned above, Boris becomes another deserved inductee of the EIS Hall of Fame.

Congratulations, Boris!

Boris - Hall of Fame
Karim - Hall of Fame


I am delighted to announce Karim Yanchinov has entered the EIS Hall of Fame! Karim is an accomplished CrossFit athlete and represents the school with distinction. He has many accolades under his belt, but during the 2023 summer break, Karim, achieved even more noteworthy success.

For the Russian National Championships, in which Karim competed against 17 elite CrossFit athletes (many older and heavier as it was for the under 16's category) he finished in 5th position - an incredible achievement. There was also a pull up competition where Karim came in 1st position after achieving a total of 20; he was unlucky as he had 5 removed for harsh reasons. Finally, Karim managed to win first place in the Moscow Cup (GTO) for the under 15's category. Perhaps, his crowning achievement so far.

Not just amazing feats, but the likelihood of even greater success makes Karim a very promising, gifted and talented EIS student!

Congratulations, Karim!