The English National Curriculum is organised into blocks of years called ‘Key Stages’ (KS)

Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 are referred to as Primary Education. Throughout their years of Primary Education at EIS Moscow, your child’s teacher will assess performance to measure your child’s progress.

Levels of Attainment - Measuring Progress

For each subject there is a ‘programme of study’. It describes what children should learn. Each subject has ‘attainment targets’ - usually split into 8 levels for each subject. Parents receive two written reports during the academic year, telling you the level your child has attained. The first is a Progress Report, which is issued at the end of the first term. At this point you will be given a Level of Attainment for Reading, Writing and Mathematics, as well as progress and effort grades for each subject.

The End of Year Report will give parents an update on Levels of Attainment, progress and effort along with a comprehensive narrative for each subject.

Primary Curriculum

ICT is integrated into other areas of the curriculum, as technology is used to enhance learning as well as a research facility.

Our son David is now starting his second year at English International School. As parents we couldn’t be happier with the progress he has shown. In the beginning of his first tear at EIS we as parents were nervous and now our fears have been laid to rest. David loves the school and loves his teachers. We, as parents, believe this is due to the environment and attitude Show by the school and all its staff.

Year 2Parent