This week in ICT Year 8 continued with there Hyper-Text-Markup-Language and were looking at the ordered list tags needed within a webpage they were doing this using the website codeacademy.com. Year 9 completed the internet research task related to their favorite sport and finding out information then they looked at a list of websites and decided whether the information was factual and the reason behind it. Year 7 were excited to start coding using JavaScript and managed to create an account with repl.it and will be looking at Minecraft Education in the coming weeks. Moreover Year 13 and Year 12 were answering previous exam type questions for each of the topics.
Year 9 students continued to work on worded questions requiring setting up equations and showed a significant improvement and confidence in solving questions set in different contexts. Year 11 students worked on graphs transformations and completed two booklets with IGCSE exam style questions showing a sound understanding of the topic.Year 12 students started the last chapter of the AS level course Integration and learnt how to calculate definite integrals and area under the curve.Year 13 students have been studying Vectors and their application in solving problems in geometry.
In Year 10, we spoke about the topic “My school’. We learnt how to say the different subject in France : la chimie, les langues vivantes, les mathématiques etc. Students had to know how to use a clock in French and how to speak about their timetable. Using the good adverb of time, we had to match the good sentences with the good answers. Then, we had to listen an audio track about a student who talked about her daily routine at school. To finish, Year 10 had to write an essay (70words) about their day at school and when they have a specific subject.
In Year 9, we spoke about the “Pronoms toniques” and how to use them correctly. We learnt how to change a simple pronom in a pronom Tonique. Per example. Je will be Moi, Tu will be Toi, il will be Lui etc First, we wrote some sentences using the good “pronom tonique”, then they asked to each other some questions and they had to answer correctly.
In Year 7, we finished the topic about La conjugaison with a test. It was hard but they did a good job. The other lesson was used to do the correction. After that, we can hope now they know everything about the present time.
All KS4 and 5 students in Art and Design are busy preparing for their mock exams at the end of March. We are looking forward to seeing the final pieces that they will complete in the one and two day practical exams.Well done to the all KS3 students who put forward entries for the Cobis Art competition. The winning entries by Sofia, Lelde and Nisa are shown in the photographs.
In secondary, Year 7 have been learning about Form and Structure. We talked about Binary and Ternary Form in music. “Overture’ from Handel’s Messiah helped them to explore the Binary Form. Year 8 have started learning about Dance Music. The students explored the history of American Line Dance Music, musical instruments and musical features of American Line Dance. Year 9 have been learning about Samba. The students learned about musical instruments of Samba. They also have been learning about syncopation in music.
Year 7
Year 7 students are still learning on the natural hazards and this week they have concentrated much on determining the earthquake intensity in terms of the Focus and Epicenter. Also students have learned how to take a precaution when there is an earthquake happening. Students created different imaginary scenarios and explained what to do when earthquake is happening while they are inside the house, outside the house, driving, or they are on top of the mountain.
Year 8
Year 8 students learned about services that are included in a tourism packages which range from accommodation, transportation and tour guide services. They have also learned about different ways that tourist resorts, grow and develop through various stages as analyzed by “Butler’s Model of Tourism”. This enables them to understand that every famous tourist site in the world started as a small place visited by few people and overtime the areas become very popular.
Year 9
This week year 9 students have finished the topic of Economic Development by doing their presentation based on the function of Multi governmental organization (MGO), Non-governmental organization (NGO) and International organization of their choice. They have also covered the positive and negative impact of Foreign Aid in Kenya as our case study.
Year 10
This week year 10 students have finished the topic of Industrial System by looking at the necessary condition for setting up a HI- Tech industry in a country. They have concentrated on Hi-Tech companies in Ottawa Canada as our case study and they have learned that how Canada managed to establish so many Hi-tech industries that produces electronic devices such as IMB and HP.
Year 11
Year 11 students are still learning about Population and Settlement and this week they have had a time to learn that the total number of the world population is 7 billion people. Through “Gapminder video” students managed to know the total population projection in the year 2100 and they have discussed what will happen with resources and environment when the number the world population increase to 11 billion people in the year 2100.
Year 7
This week Year 7 students have learned about how a person can become a Monk or Nun during medieval times. Furthermore with the aid of video students have learned the ways of life for the monks of the currents days and the monks during medieval times and finally they have focused on the similarities and differences between the two.
Year 8
Year 8 have learned about how British Empire used Australia as the penal colony to exile prisoners. Students were very interested in this lesson and they have a discussion on what are the specific reasons for British to choose Australia as the penal colony and then they have come to understand that Australia has a geographical location that doesn’t favors the prisoners to escape because the country is surrounded by the ocean .
Year 7 students have had an opportunity to learn about preventing and dealing with cyberbullying as well as how to use search engines efficiently and how to be a good digital citizens. The unit ends with students applying their new knowledge in creating their passwords to promote online safety.
This week our student went to Skiing trip. Children have been improving their skills and knowledge of Skiing and showed great behaviors in Sport complex. Everyone enjoyed skiing session and demonstrated good motivation of learning. Well done everyone!
The students in KS3 Drama have been starting a new Unit about the challenges of being a teenager, something all of us can appreciate. We have been looking at the roles of technology, the excitement of gaining more freedoms, and the fears of also earning more responsibilities as we get older. The students have begun to look at moments in their lives that bring them struggles, fears, loss, even amazement. They are going to begin preparing props and pieces of memorabilia to express those moments in their lives. The students have done extremely well and it has sparked a lot of great discussions and enthusiasm in class.