This week Year 9 students continued to study trigonometry and were assigned a small project where they had to calculate the height of tall objects without measuring them but rather applying the knowledge of how angles and sides are related in a right-angled triangle. The students will present their findings as a written assignment next week. Year 11 students started topic on Differentiation and learnt how to find a gradient of a non-linear graph at a given point and how derivatives (aka rates of change) are applied to solve real life problems.Year 12 and 13 students have begun their revision for upcoming mock exams that will take place after May 11. They have quite a lot of hard work to do as they will have to revise topics of the last semester within the next three weeks.


Year 7

Year 7 students have learned about weather station and their focus in this subtopic was on what instrument are kept inside the weather station. In addition, leaners have learned about Stevenson Screen, which is, a white wooden box placed in a weather station to measure several elements of weather. Also student have developed their understanding on the weather element measurement by using weather instrument available at school to measure and record weather condition in a school compound.

Year 8

This week year eight students have finished the topic of tourism by discussing about tourism in Thailand whereby students learned different tourist destinations in Thailand as well as problem associated by tourism industry in Thailand. Finally students as the end of topic assessment student have had an opportunity to design a leaflet about tourism destinations in the world while including the concept of sustainable tourism and and ecotourism

Year 9

Year nine students have been studying about volcanic eruption management strategies. In this lesson, students have learned about how volcanic eruption management strategy and plan can be developed at an individual level, district level or national level. Furthermore, students have linked their understanding on ways of managing the impact of volcanic eruption by doing a research of two volcanic eruption in the world and write down information like effects of the eruption and what measures were taken by people to minimize the impact of that eruption.

Year 10

Year ten students have learned about the flood management strategies, which are divided into soft and hard engineering. With soft and hard engineering method of controlling flood, students have discussed both the advantages and disadvantages of each method. To reinforce their understand student where given a worksheet with different scenarios of flooding and they were tasked to come up with the decision that will prevent flooding in those scenarios and explain why they come up with those decision.

Year 11

This week students from year eleven class have learned about Demographic Transition Model (DTM), and urbanization. Students have discussed different concept based on these subtopics. Firstly, with Demographic Transitional Model students have understand the change in population from high birth rate and death rate to low birth rate ad date rate over time. Secondly students have developed their experience and understanding on urbanization whereby in this lesson students have learn about the definition of urbanization, causes of urbanization and finally the urbanization problems. Lastly, students have learned about different urban land use by using two-land use model pioneered by Burgess and Hoyt.


Year 7

Year 7 students are still learning Industrial revolution and this week they have discussed about the working condition during Industrial revolution. Moreover students have learned about different worst job in England before and during industrial revolution. Students had an opportunity to link their understanding about worst job related to children employment which is one of the problem existed since the time of industrial revolution.

Year 8

Year eight student are still learning the topic of French revolution and this week they have been discussing on the key reasons for the French revolution and members of the three Estate. Students have seen the major concern from the third estate who were oppressed and forced to pay the tax while few people in the first and second estate like nobles, king and queen are enjoying happy and luxurious life. Finally student have had an opportunity to annotate the French flag and linked their annotation with the revolution of 1793.


The students have been busy preparing for the artistic Photo Diary assignment which is due next week. The students were challenged with taking a variety of photos, in different angles, depths and focus. They were practicing and experimenting how to take more interesting and creative photos for the upcoming assignment. Some of the photos were challenging but they all did a great job working together to complete the tasks.


This week Year 9 have been doing a research project focusing on current affairs. They have been required to read a variety of news articles and other forms of non-fiction and will present their findings next week. Year 10 and 11 have been continuing with their literary studies and preparing for their next exam period in May. Year 12 have continued to read Shakespeare's Othello and have been analysing the theme of Othello as an ‘outsider’. Year 13 have continued their study of Hamlet and are analysing its tragic structure.


This week Year 8 continued studying Chemistry and we talked about various chemical reactions, such as acids and metals, acids and carbonates. The students were able to predict the products of the reaction being given the initial compounds and vice versa. The other thing we discussed was rusting or iron. Why does iron rust and how can rusting be prevented? We talked through all of that and watched a video of how iron can be protected from rusting. In the end of the week we wrote the final Chemistry test and most of the students managed really well and got good grades. So, the next step is Physics which we are starting next week!

Year 10 studied acids, bases and Ph scale. We looked at various indicators and their colours in acidic and alkaline mediums. What is Ph and what information it gives us with regard to solutions being acidic or alkaline? What is the actual definition of an acid and an alkali? What is dissociation and how acids and bases dissociate in water? This is what we worked on and the class worked with enthusiasm and curiosity. Well done, Year 10!


This week, Year 7 and Year 10 students presented fantastic projects about their hobbies. Big thanks to all students for the participation. Well done!

«I really liked the hobby of Amalya and Lily because I also really love horse sports and horses like Lily and I really like skateboarding like Amalya» - Polina, Y7

«I liked Lily’s presentation on her hobby of horseback riding, because she explained everything clearly , it seemed very neat and tidy» - Vika, Y7

«I really liked Vika’s presentation because she included information and many cool photos of her doing Acrobatics» - Sophia, Y7

«On Wednesay we had Russian and we were talking about each others hobbies. My favourite one was Polinas hobby about waveboard. I think waveboard is very cool and tricky to learn but after Polina showed her presentation it made me want to try it!» - Amalia, Y7


In Secondary, Year 7 have been practicing with accompaniment for “The Wellerman” song. The students explored two different ways to creating an accompaniment. We practiced with creating a tonic pedal accompaniment using the note E in the Bass part as a form of simple accompaniment. We spoke about A Drone Accompaniment as another simple form of accompaniment and performed it in the class.

Year 8 has been practiced with Primary and Secondary Chords in Twelve Bar Blues. The students made the triad of chords in C major and practiced to play them on the keyboards. We learned to perform the walking bass line based on the Twelve Bar Blues Chords.

Year 9 played the melody line of “Yellow bird” song on the keyboards. The students explored bass line and chords for this song. We learned about the form and structure of a Reggae song.


In Year 7 and 8, we learned, the preposition of place. We learned how to say "on, under, next to etc.."We first used a list to describe a picture. We wrote where is the lamp located according to the bed or where is the computer according to the table.
In year 9, we finished the preposition of place and we started a new subject : My House. We first drew a house and we listed the vocabulary of the house and of each room. Then, using the vocabulary and the grammar rule about feminine and masculine we describe our own house. We learnt how to say : My house is located...there is 3 bedrooms, the garden is behind the house etc. After that, they had to write a describtion about their own house.
In year 10, we finished our topic about The food. According to the rule "feminine /masculine" we wrote sentences about food aroud the world. Then, we described a picture of a restaurant. The goal was to write what kind of restaurant is on the picture, who are the customers, what they are eating, is it healthy or bad...finally, we read a text about "What is a good food and what to eat to be healthy".


This week in ICT Year 8 were exploring Emerging technologies and how they will affect them. Year 10 were looking at the System Design Development Cycle and what happens in each stage when designing a software or a product. Year 7 were exploring Digital Balance and trying to figure out how much time they spend on digital devices and the applications they use i.e ( tik tok, facebook, snapchat, Instagram, youtube, binance ) how they feel and ways to spend less time on electronic devices . Moreover Year 13 were looking at some sample past paper essay questions.