It seems like ever such a long time ago, that we began the process of auditions for Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies, by award winning play write Craig Hawes. Over the last few months, students have been working very hard to prepare, learning lines, learning songs and working on staging all culminating in the series of performance they had this week. Throughout this week, we have been having a number of rehearsals, seen some tears of nervousness, smiles of accomplishment and a group of children who have pushed through adversity to achieve something special. Ms. Valentina, Ms. Elena and Ms. Katya have been working extremely hard to build props, teach songs and provide so much support behind the scenes in order to support our amazing group of children throughout this entire process. The children have been amazing through all of it and this week have put together amazing performances for staff, students and parents alike. On behalf of myself and everyone here at EIS, we could not be more proud of our amazing students and all of the effort that they have put in to make this week special for all of the parents and their fellow students. Great job to everyone.