What a way to end the term!
This week year 3 have been challenged in so many ways. Firstly, nasty old covid struck again and everyone had to head home, back to online learning. Secondly, through a non covid illness they were without their regular teacher for 3 days!
The silver lining to the week has been the resilience all children have shown. Despite the many challenges, they just got on with their learning in a safe environment and have been happy in their learning,
Safe-yes! Happy-yes! Challenged-yes!
Year 3 have had another excellent term of learning. They are learning to be critical thinkers who ask lots of questions. Keep working hard and have a safe and fun holiday!
This week was a very interesting one! We attended school on Monday, as usual. Due to the pandemic, we found ourselves at home on Tuesday, doing online lessons! Such abnormal times!
This week, in English, we looked at Grace Nichols’ interesting poems from Guyana: ‘I am a Parrot’ about a caged parrot, ‘The Timeless Song’ about the sea and ‘Cat – Shots’ that describes the strange behaviour of cats.
In Maths, we had to use number facts to solve mental Maths sums! We did one of our favourite challenges, a ‘Driving Test’, and did quite well. As usual, some questions were definitely more challenging than others!
In Science, we learnt about the life cycle of the dung beetle. What a strange creature! It survival depends on the availability of animal dung! How strange! We also explored the complicated digestive system of humans!
In our Topic lesson, we ended our study of ‘Leisure and Entertainment’, exploring how British families spend their holidays and the history of the ‘Gogglebox’.
Now, it’s time for some holiday fun! Happy holiday!
Never before did we move so quickly so efficiently: one moment we were sorting Homework Files, and the net we were engaging in online lessons! My Year 5's made me proud - they joined each lesson exactly on time and were prepared for every lesson. I want to thank everybody who made this possible - this is a true accomplishment for children and parents alike!
It is always nice to get to know my students on a more personal level during online teaching- I love to see their rooms and to meet their pets. Since I want to know more about the beautiful furry friends I briefly met, I will have to plan a "Pet-Week" next Term. Watch this space.Luckily the work I planned for the week was really interesting, and everybody engaged with full enthusiasm. In English Poetry we learnt more about the English poet Charles Causley, an interesting man who wrote many exciting poems for kids. Interestingly enough, Charles Causley was a schoolteacher who wrote delightful poems for the children he was teaching. So many years after his death we read three of Causley's poems and explored the hidden meaning of words and phrases. We learnt to analyze the poems using the elements of poetry as criteria. Elements like Rhyme, Repetition, Personification, Simile, Alliteration and more were used to understand poetry on a deeper level.During Math we familiarized ourselves once again with Improper Fractions, and any gaps in prior knowledge were bridged.Geography was the most interesting topic of the week though. By popular demand (from the children) we started doing Transport during last week. After exploring Air Travel last week, we started doing Transport on Water and Trains as a form of Public Transport this week. The students were so eager to learn about this that they completed the homework before the lessons even started! We folded Origami boats, learnt about the different parts of a ship/boat, explored how the Railways developed, and discussed the fatal journey of the Titanic in detail. Since the students are so interested in this topic, plus the fact that we have time at our hands, I decided to explore this very interesting topic in more detail next Term.
I want to thank each and every one for a successful Term and wish you a wonderful holiday with your family.