Year 3 began the week in English looking at different types of poems. They got into groups and wrote their own ‘riddle poem’ based on animal riddle poems using rhythm and rhyme. Here are some.
I live close to the ground
I make no sound
The sun is my friend
And it can mend
If you pick me I will die
I will still be beautiful- please don’t cry
What am I?
I’m the best at magic
I have curly brown hair
My friend is Harry Potter
And magic is what I care
By Seunghee
I look like a yellow crescent moon
Dangling in a bowl of fruit
I have a coat so I don’t get squashed
And people think I’m cute
By Xinyi
I love bananas
And I like to climb
I just can’t swim
I like swinging like I’m in the gym
By Maria
It likes to hop and pop and wiggle its nose
It likes to change its colour in the frost
It lives far away deep in the woods
Although on the farm its best friend is fox
By Anastasia
I’m a yellow boomerang
You can find me in the market
I wear a coat and I’m white inside
If you leave me alone
I will rot to the bone
The most excitement in year 3 had this week was when we following a scientific method to conduct experiments, during our Changing States of Matter topic. There was lots of discussion and many varied predictions. We won’t be able to confirm our predictions and unpack the science until later next week.
We hope you enjoy the snow photos as everyone was having an amazing time playing in the snow.
We were very pleased to resume school, after a short, but relaxing half-term break. Some of us we able to share that we did some reading at home during the break. We exchanged library books for new ones and started reading a short story called ‘Sabryna and the River Spirit’, an inspiring tale which highlights the importance of sustainable living and the protection of the natural world.
In Mathematics, we started learning about geometry, one of the oldest branches of mathematics. We were amazed to discover that humanity has probably used geometry since before the dawn of recorded history. We learned that the word 'Geometry' means 'Earth Measuring'.
In Science, we started a new theme looking at ‘Food Chains and Energy’. An interesting video-clip about food chains showed us that food chains can be quite long and are usually interconnected, forming food webs. Food chains, we discovered, form Nature's ‘circle of life’, a way of taking and giving back life to earth.
In our Topic lessons, we started a new theme focussing on ‘Leisure and Entertainment in the 20th century’. We were intrigued to discover that, early in the 20th century, films were silent. We watched a very funny movie, featuring the famous actor, Charlie Chaplin.
In our PSHE lesson, we learned about our identity and what shapes it. We discovered that each of us has an identity that is quite unique. Besides our language, cultural traditions and values, our interests and hobbies are combine to make up our unique identity!
After a week of holidays the Year 5's are back and eager to work. Some of the students visited far away placed and came back with interesting stories about what is happening in the wide world out there. Out Geography lesson could be adapted to incorporate stories from Egypt and visits to majestic mountains all over the globe.
The Math of the week consisted of multiplying with 2- and 3-digit numbers using a variety of methods. The students were encouraged to explore all 3 of the methods introduced, and then use the method most suited for them.Our new digital book, "The Museum of fun", showcases many interesting views on ways of entertainment around the world. The students learnt how to make Summaries and how to write a factual Report.
I wish everyone a happy weekend and, especially to all the Mothers, Grandmothers, Aunts and Sisters out there, a blessed and joyous Woman's Day.