A short but interesting time in Year 3 this week. In Maths, we have been working on statistics and ways to represent data through tally charts, pictograms and creating our own sets of data. We have also had a big focus on developing our times tables skills.

In English, we have been following our regular routine of daily phonics activities, applying our previous knowledge acquisition to our own independent writing. This week we were focusing on applying our knowledge of paragraphs to our weekend recounts.

As our Topic focus is rainforests, we have read the short story from Kipling’s ‘The Jungle Book’ called Mogli’s Brothers; including analysing the story and characters in preparation for writing another part of the story.

In Science, we have continued our work on parts of plants and how each part has a significant impact on the life of the flower. In Topic, we have spent this week identifying the different layers of a rainforest with the different animals, plants and insects which can be found there.


This has been a short, but busy week for us. We are so proud of our poems now that we have typed them in Microsoft Word, using a font of our own choice. They are on display and available for everyone to read.

In Maths, we practised addition and subtraction using the 24-hour digital clock time. We were intrigued to calculate how many minutes there are in half a day, a full day and a week.

In Science, we investigated the different ways in which sound can be absorbed, and how to make a musical instrument in order to produce different sounds. In our Topic lessons, we continued to learn about the importance of water purification.

We incorporated water as a theme in Art to paint sunsets reflected in lakes, seas and oceans. We are so proud of our beautiful compositions!


Although this week was short, it was fully packed with exciting topics.
We continued our discovery of the Greek Myths by learning about the foolish King Midas and the brave Perseus. The children compared these two characters, and came to the conclusion that each person is responsible for his/her own decisions and happiness. It all boils down to good and bad choices - we all have a choice in everything we do, and we also have a responsibility towards ourselves and the people around us. This resonated perfectly with our theme of Responsibility we covered in PSHE. During PSHE we took this theme a bit further by exploring the Rights children have, but we learnt that with every Right there is a Responsibility. We have the Right to good education, but with that Right comes the Responsibility to do our homework etc.
As our theme of Trade and Economics is reaching its end, we learnt about Fair Trade and what to look out for when we buy imported products. By choosing products that are bought at a fair price on the global market, we ensure that the producers in poor countries are able to live sustainable lives. We also learned that most of the products we buy are produced in many different countries, for example: our school clothes are made from cotton produced in India, it is then shipped to China where it is made into clothes, then it is shipped to the UK where it is bought and labelled by Marks & Spencer, and finally it travels to Russia where it is embroidered with the school's logo. What a long journey our school uniform undertakes to be worn by EIS with pride!
We are looking forward to an exciting International Week. Our country of choice is Japan, and we are all excited by exploring this great country! We had a few brain storming sessions and came up with a few ideas for making the week spectacular: making sushi, getting a flag from Japan to decorate the walls, making anime characters, to name a few. Please let us put our heads together to make this "Japan" week an educational, memorable and exciting one!