In Year, this week we have been reading a story called Knight School, about a knight and a dragon who don’t have time to play together after they both start school. We have predicted what we thought would happen in the story, we have used adjectives to describe the characters and we thought about our own friends, what we like to do with them and why they are important.

In Maths, we have adding 1-digit numbers to 2-digit numbers by starting with the larger number first. We have learned how to put the bigger number in our head and count on the smaller number either using our fingers or a number square. We have also been learning how to add by looking for patterns to making adding easier and quicker.

In Science we have learned that often objects are made from more than one material. We also looked at why some materials are better for certain objects than other materials.

In Topic we have continued looking at castles and thinking about what they were used for. We drew pictures of castles and we learned the names of parts of the castle.


Welcome to another Year 2 newsletter! As ever, it’s been busy, busy, busy…

In Topic, we have continued our ‘Important People in History’ unit with the spotlight turning on Christopher Columbus. We have delved into the obvious significance of his life but also how his unconventional thinking led him to success and status. “In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue.”

For Science, we have analysed the properties of chosen materials and created informative posters. We have used scientific vocabulary such as absorbent, rigid, brittle and waterproof.

In Maths, we have become lightning quick at reciting our knowledge of bonds to 10 and 20. They have helped us a great deal when doing subtractions as we can flip the number sentence and add on, instead. We also looked at number-lines in more detail and how, by counting on, we can tackle 2/3 digit subtractions.

In English, some of us tackled specific Columbus comprehension tasks to further broaden our knowledge of the navigator. We also focused learning on using dictionaries to help with spellings and vocabulary. Ultimately, the aim is to increase independence and self- sufficiency. Some of us even learnt how to use a thesaurus to greatly increase our range of vocabulary and open up a world of beautiful adjectives!

Well done, everyone.


In Year 1 we made Royal Crowns this week, we used a template and colored it in with crayons. After that, we cut out each piece of a crown and glued it together in a 3d shape.
Year 2 made a Space project using different mediums such as watercolours, coloured pencils, crayons and coloured paper. Children painted planets with watercolours, drew a spaceship and cut it out and stuck it on a black piece of paper.