Collaboration, observation, investigation; qualities that are encouraged in our Year 3 classroom. This week students worked together to share their reading and comprehension skills. Not only does working together help us to understand the importance of sharing and listening, but gives us the opportunity to use our communication skills!

Daily opportunity was given for students to keep track of their sprouting legumes: Monday we began the process of germination, Tuesday we planted flowers outside the school, and grass inside the classroom (in cups!), Wednesday we ran an experiment to understand how roots suck up water (we placed Savoy cabbage leaves in colored water to see what would happen: would the leafs dissolve? Would they wilt? Would they change color?). Thursday we were delighted to see our legumes sprouting, and Friday we were able to create a display in the classroom, labelling the parts of a flower.

Along with English language work, Math, PE, Art, French, and Russian, students are faring well with such busy but interesting days!

Looking forward to another fulfilling week…


I have greatly enjoyed catching up with Year 4 this week after a long absence. I am thrilled to be back at EIS! We have done lots of great work this week.

In English we continued our class read ‘The Shang Dynasty’. We practiced scanning and reading texts for facts and information. The grammar focuses this week have been changing sentences between singular and plural and apostrophe rules.

In Math, we studied about place value with decimals. We learnt how to write decimal numbers in words and vice versa, locate decimals on a number line, identify greater and smaller decimals, decimal sequences and rounding decimals to the nearest whole number.

In Topic we have carried on exploring our unit: ‘Rivers and Water’. This week we learnt about the different landforms on a river and its journey from the source to the mouth.

In Science we carried on our new unit about ‘Grouping living things’. This week we learnt how to classify animals into groups based on their physical features and everyday habits.


Year 5 have been working hard and challenged themselves further with many fun activities throughout the week. We enjoyed a change to our routine on Monday afternoon with a First Aid seminar. This allowed the children to consider all the useful things they could do in a number of emergency situations such as how to deal with bleeding noses, burns and asthma attacks. The children have begun a new unit of work in English regarding exploration and we had some excellent word level work which then led into discussions about the skills and qualities needed in order to be an explorer in various fascinating but challenging parts of the world.

We are continuing to read ‘Charlotte’s Web’ which helps us to develop our listening and comprehension skills as well as thinking quickly on our feet to complete short and simple role-plays based on simple scenes from the book. The children have delved further into learning about the life cycles of both plants and mammals and have produced some excellent diagrams with correct labelling using scientific vocabulary. As well as this, we have already seen considerable sprouting from the seeds and bulbs we planted last week in class.

Despite the inclement weather and rise and dip in temperatures this week, the children are still thrilled to be playing outdoors in the elements which if we remember this time last year, was not permissible.


We have had an amazing week in Year 6! We have been doing great on our research project on WWII and we got an amazing surprise in Art when Ms. Sonya presented us with models to work on from WWII it was incredible! We also started practicing for the World's Math Day coming up on May 5th. We have been practicing our Math against children from all over the world, it was really exciting! It has been a great week and we have done an amazing job in everything we have done!


This week we have developed team work. Children participated in race. They showed great co-ordination and dribbling skills. Also primary students tried their luck in the game “Hot ball”. Great job everyone, keep it up!


Year 4 continued a series of lessons about rivers and water. This week we were drawing a mixed media seahorse. Children used gouache paint and watercolours to create a gentle seahorse floating in an ocean world.

Year 5 started to make their paper Mache hot air balloon. Students Explored 3-D materials and developed skills in 3-D media. They covered the inflated balloon with paper towels in PVA glue and made a basket using a paper cup and yarn. We are looking forward to painting these balloons next week!

Year 6 started a new topic WW2 this week. The children each got the plastic model tank kit that they needed to build. Each pack includes all the pieces for 1:72 scale tank, helicopter or plane, paints and glue so children are able to put all the pieces and glue it together. Finally, they will paint it by themselves


Welcome to the second week of Term 3 our music class. It was amazing week. Year 3, 4 5 and 6 were excellent in rehearsals with their lines for our performance. The students sang the songs confidently in harmony with two voices. The students started to practice dancing on the stage. We had a lot of fun.


In Year 6 and Year 5 we spoke about the human body. To discover the subjet that we will speak about, we played Hangman. It is a good way to use letters and how to pronounce them in French. After that, we drew a body and we wrote next to each part the name of this part in French. When we finished with the body, we talked in details about the head : how to say eyes, mouth, teeth etc. It was a funny and a good activity. Well done !
In Year 3 and 4, we also spoke about my body but less difficult than in Year 6 and 5. We also used a picture of a body but we did not write the name of each part. First, the teacher wrote the part of the body in French on the white board and the students had to find the same word .We cut the name and we stick it next to the correct part of the body. However, they wrote with a pen the correct translation next to the French name. Bravo Year 3 and 4.