This week in maths we worked on counting in 2s, 5s and 10s forwards and backwards, one more/one less and subtraction. In English we improved our handwriting skills by focusing on letter formation, sizing and writing between smaller lines. We also focused on less frequent phonic sounds that present as two letters, rhyming to increase our vocabulary, spelling test games and writing our letters of kindness to each other. We improved our reading skills by focusing on reading with emotional expression.


Year 2 are blossoming in Term 3! Our new Science Unit is ‘Plants’ and if the good weather continues, we hope to plant many seeds in the playground next week! Year 2 have learnt to name the parts of the plant and the conditions plants need to grow. We commenced out new Topic ‘War and Remembrance’ by learning about how animals helped during wartime. Pigeons helped by delivering messages, dogs carried medicines, horses and even elephants carried heavy equipment. Year 2 designed medals for these brave animals! Year 2 look forward to new adventures, experiments and fun in Term 3!