In maths this week we learnt the names of 3D shapes, focused on position and coordinates, and counting in 2s, 5s and 10s up to 200 using balloons. In English we began to write our version of the 'Gruffalo' to explore rhyme and nonsense verse, alongside our handwriting skills. In phonics we continued to work on recognising two letters with one sound, the correlation between letter names and building on phonic sounds by playing 'Spaghetti meatballs', 'What's inside the box?' and hiding phonics around the room. In PSHE we continued to practice our writing skills and kind behaviour by writing notes for our class 'Kindness box' and reading the lovely comments written to us by our classmates. We have also been practising our spelling by playing 'What's the sound Mr. Wolf?'.


Everything is ‘measuring up’ in Year 2 this week, as students get first-hand experience with 50 gram measures. Students worked in small groups to discuss what classroom objects would be good choices to weigh with the set measure, and which classroom objects would NOT be good choice (“A dinosaur toy would be too heavy, but a glue stick might work!”).

Students were also excited to try their hand in cooking, as classroom lessons this week provided daily examples of learning the words used to follow a recipe. The culminating activity resulted in a yummy test, where-by students had to follow their written out recipe to create a batter teachers used to fry pancakes. Learning comes easy when we are engaged!

This week was also flowered with birthday celebrations; a big thank-you for such wonderful parent support and kind words; all is much appreciated.