In maths this week we worked on telling the time using the 12-hour clock system through board games and matching cards: half-past and o'clock. In science we started to grow sunflower seeds and revise the names of different types of human teeth and their purposes. In PSHE we discussed dental hygiene and why this isimportant. In English we wrote about our favourite zoo animals, practiced our handwriting formation and continued to develop our recognition of 'two letters, one sound' across the phonics groups. This included spelling practice games using words with these sounds and memorising the spelling of common misconception words. We had a great time at Moscow Zoo yesterday, enjoyed the animals and ice cream!


Our trip to Moscow Zoo was the highlight of this week! Year 2 saw many interesting animals: giraffes, zebras, seals, bears, penguins, orangutans, monkeys, snakes and alligators! Their favourite moments were watching the seals being fed and doing tricks, and watching the penguins dive under the water. We were lucky with the weather as we didn’t feel a drop of rain. The children enjoyed a picnic snack and celebrated the end of our trip with a delicious ice-cream. All the children behaved beautifully on the trip and we are very proud of them!