In mathematics this week, the children began to use long addition and revised telling the time with the introduction of 'quarter past' and 'quarter to'. In English we continued to practice our handwriting skills, the spelling of common exception words and further phonic awareness of 'two-letters, one-sound' and rhyming with these words in sentence form through different games. In science discussed the names of the different types of human teeth and what their functions are.
Year 2 traveled around the world during our International Day! Children brought in symbols from Bangladesh, Japan, China, Korea, Ireland and Russia. Throughout the week, we learned about many aspects of Italian culture including food, dance, music and famous landmarks. Year 2 learned the secret reason why the Leaning Tower of Pisa is leaning over! Year 2 impressed all at assembly with their fantastic performance of the traditional Italian dance – The Tarantella! Bravo!! Thank you to Ms Katya for teaching us this dance! We enjoyed listening to the presentations from other classes about South Africa, Russia, Brazil and Japan! Thank you to all parents for organising costumes and letting the children bring in symbols from home! Ciao from Year 2!