Nursery continued to explore the wonders of the underwater world.

The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister is a book about a unique fish with shimmering scales. Other fish admire him and request some of his scales because they want to share in his beauty. At first reluctant, Rainbow Fish eventually relents and finds he enjoys sharing his scales.

The nursery children were enthralled by the story and delighted in creating their own rainbow fish, focusing particularly on pattern and colour. They understood the moral of the story very well and were eager to tell us that sharing makes you happy and gives you many friends.

Nursery participated in many activities this week which all incorporated aspects of our underwater theme. These included a rainbow fish pencil control activity, patterned fish for our display board and seahorse patterning, where repeated patterns in three different colours was the challenge. Clown fish coloured in the correct orange and black colours were cut out and ordered according to size from biggest to smallest.

The Frog Princess was our Russian story for discussion this week. Nursery enjoyed recounting aspects of the story and particularly enjoyed the craft activity displaying a frog with a long red tongue for catching insects.

In Expressive Art and Design we completed our ocean dioramas and explored a new technique of painting using black glue to outline the patterns on our Loggerhead Turtles.

Enjoy the pictures of our art works. We are very proud of our water colour painting!


In Reception we continued with our under the sea theme this week. We coloured and cut out the most delightful sea creatures to add to our display. We watched short video clips on coral reefs, sharks, turtles and jellyfish. We drew our own sea animals and had such fun discussing the creatures as we were drawing.

In Maths, Numicon was a great success and the boys could not wait to see how many different combinations of 10 they could make. There was so much sharing and discussion as they helped anyone who was stuck. We worked on missing numbers and odd and even playing interactive games.

A simple sequence game was a huge hit where they had to follow the colour and auditory sequences to see who could remember the most sequences. In Phonics, we unscrambled sentences so that they made sense and then wrote them down. These are the first sentences that we have written and they were so beautifully presented!