This week EYFS have been very fortunate with the rainy weather as they did not have to ‘jump for worms’- there were worms to be found everywhere! Because our jumps sound like thunder to worms, we were going to get our wellies out, jump up and down, and get the worms out from underground in the damp, wet patches of ground among the trees. Still time for our wellies though, as jumping for worms is lots of fun!

In language and literacy, we have been revising our phonic sounds learned so far, as well as going through our High Frequency words that we already learned. We have also started writing simple sentences in response to questions like ‘What do you see?’/ ‘What is this’.

During our Numeracy lessons this week we have continued building on counting to 20 both with actions and concrete objects. Looking at the 10 fingers on our hands, we have also begun counting in 10’s up to 100. Children particularly enjoyed working on the interactive 100 square, colouring numbers as they counted by tapping the interactive whiteboard. They also loved keeping a tally of the different coloured cars that drove past the school, then counting up their tallies.

Children are enjoying our topic ‘Living Things’. They have continued looking for mini-beasts and are hoping to see some butterflies soon! With the worms coming out after the rain, children have been learning more about worms. They found out about how worms provide air for the roots of plants as they tunnel through the ground, that worms can grow a new head and brain if they get trod on and can explain why worms are living things. They continue to explain why something is a living thing or not by thinking about whether they need food, water, air and whether they can move, grow and have babies.

Wishing everyone a lovely weekend!


EYFS focused on basic sounds and learned about sounds И and Й and symbolic representation of them, practicing their writing skill. Kids also learned a lot of words that begin with them. Good job, boys!


Nursery and Reception have been learning a new song “Rain, rain go away”. The students performed this song individually and together. We composed simple accompaniment for this song and performed it on the xylophone. Playing on the xylophone also helps students to learn the letters of the alphabet.