Dear Parents,
With beautiful, bright, sunny days to start the Summer Term, EYFS have been having lots of outdoor fun with their three new classmates! They have absolutely loved playing in the water and sand tray, with young Kian claiming to have found some coral in there! Learning the rules for the game of Connect 4 has been a bit tricky, but it didn’t stop EYFS from stacking up the green and yellow discs, and managing to get 4 in a row! There was cycling, hula-hooping, chases, taking dolls for strolls…and lots of laughter as the children could at last enjoy the warm outdoors.
In language and literacy, we have learned the “Ff” sound in phonics, learning how to form the letter, singing the song ‘My friends and I went to the beach…’ and identifying things beginning with ‘Ff’.
During our Numeracy lessons this week we have continued building on our counting to 20, this time based on the story ‘How many legs’. We have counted to 20 and a little beyond using clapping; as well as counting arms, legs, fingers and other body parts. Following on from the story ‘How many legs’, children have had to explain animal groupings based on the number of animal legs or feet.
We started out new topic ‘Living Things’ this week. Children have gone on a mini-beast hunt which was lots of fun, learned about how living things are different from non-living things and sorted living and non-living things. We are hoping to ‘jump for worms’ when it gets rainy; causing vibrations that will make the worms come up from underground, so we need to get our wellies ready!
Wishing everyone a lovely weekend!
Nursery and Reception have been learning a new song ‘Open and shut them’. The students performed this song individually and together. We performed this song with actions, which helped the students to learn the lyrics of the song and made singing more fun.