Dear Parents,

We started this week by celebrating Women’s Day on Monday with the day off school- Thank you for the beautiful cards that each girl received and the thoughtful, beautiful presents from our boys Daniel and Kian! Also, we are very excited about the Maslenitsa celebrations in school today. The library looks beautiful with decorations for the occasion and children are looking forward to the fun activities planned and trying out some traditional Russian foods.

In language and literacy, we have learned the “Oo” sound in phonics, learning how to form the letter, singing the song ‘Now it’s dark…’ and identifying things beginning with ‘Oo’.

In Numeracy, we have continued our focus on weight. Children have sorted heavy and light objects. This week they have used the balancing scales to weigh objects by seeing how many cubes are needed to balance various objects.

In our topic ‘Travel and transport’, children have looked at how we travel daily to school and created pictograms of the information they collected. They also learned more about the different forms of transport, and cut and sorted transport images into air transport, land transport and water transport.

Wishing everyone a lovely weekend!