Dear parents,

Children have had another fun week learning and playing with their friends in school. We had a special visitor, our school nurse Miss Alina, as we started our new topic ‘People who help us’. Children used a stethoscope to listen to the heartbeat of their friends, as well as their own, took each other’s temperatures with a thermometer, learned how to clean bruises and cuts with antiseptic wipes before applying a plaster and wrapping a bandage around the cut / bruise. They are now fascinated with care of teeth and rotten teeth but that will have to wait for our next visit by the school nurse.

In Numeracy, we have continued to count to 20 with lots of kinaesthetic activity support to consolidate learning (hopping, star jumps, wiggles and hand movement). Children have also learned to minus or take away with some help from Pirate Jack. With some paired work, children were able to check each other’s counting and taking away of concrete objects, while drawing amounts and crossing off to take away.

When the sun came out this week, it was magical! Children realized they could make ‘enormous’ shadows with the sun as a light source. They loved making funny shadows and playing a game of catch the shadow. Going sledging, building tunnels and making snow volcanoes still hasn’t lost its appeal and children continue to enjoy their time outdoors. Our young scientist Kian predicted that his water would turn to ice if left outside, and so we left a plastic cup of water outside to find out. With their fascination of all things science- from building snow volcanoes, making shadows, melting ice, and trying to form ice from water- EYFS is in for a treat with Science Week coming up soon!

Wishing everyone a lovely, restful weekend!

EYFS Team.


In Russian EYFS focused on the letter Х. Children tried to identify the place of hard consonant Х and soft X’ - in the beginning, or the middle or in the end of the given words. Children practised their syllabic reading and we also watched a funny video with Aunty Owl, which helped us to learn a lot of words starting with the letter X. Well done, Victor and Daniil!


Nursery and Reception have been learning new song “What is the weather like today?”. We have created simple rhythm with percussion instruments and have performed appropriate activates.