Dear Parents,

It has been another busy week in EYFS. The fascination with volcanoes continues since building our first snow volcanoes weeks ago and watching them erupt. Children have loved making Gruffalo shadows and being like clever mouse to make the shadows grow and shrink by moving the torch light closer and further from their Gruffalo characters. They have also enjoyed listening to traditional tales of ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’ and ‘Little Red Riding Hood’.

In language and literacy, we have learned the “Hh” sound in phonics, learning how to form the letter, singing the ‘I like to hop’ song and identifying things beginning with ‘h’. We have also continued reading our First Reading Book that was sent home over the Christmas break and learning a few new high frequency words.

In Numeracy, we have continued counting to 20 using clapping, the number line to 20 and pictures and concrete objects. We have learned how to use the plus sign for more and the equals to sign when adding amounts up to 10, and can read simple addition number sentences.

In our topic ‘Winter Wonderland’ we have continued to focus on arctic animals, looking at how they and other animals adapt to their habitats to stay safe and keep warm. Children have also created Arctic Animal Books using our key words learned in literacy which they are very excited to share with their families.

Wishing everyone a lovely, restful weekend!

EYFS Team.


This week have been wonderful in music class. We have been very busy with singing, composing, performing and learning.

Nursery and Reception have been learning new songs “I like Bugs, Bugs, Bugs, Buggy Bugs”. We have created simple rhythm with percussion instruments. Pupils have found it very curios.