Dear Parents,

It has been a freezing, icy week back with children needing to spend more time indoors due to low temperatures, wind and the chill factor, but they have enjoyed dancing, role play, story time, watching videos about volanoes (including snow volcanoes), avalanches and free play. It is brilliant listening to them use new vocabulary learned, from talking about boiling hot lava, erupting volcanoes and the different countries the volcanoes are located in.

In language and literacy, we have learned the “Ee” sound in phonics, learning how to form the letter, singing the ‘Eggs in the pan’ song and identifying things beginning with ‘e’. We have also practiced reading our First Reading Book that was sent home over the Christmas break, learning a few new high frequency words.

In Numeracy, we have continued to look at one more and one less, as well as counting to 20 using clapping, hopping, star jumps, counting out buttons and other concrete objects. Looking at the 1 to 20 number line, we have learned to find 1 more by taking a jump to the right, and 1 less by taking a jump to the left.

In our topic ‘Winter Wonderland’ we have learned how to mix colours to make lighter shades of blue and painted snow globes. We have also learned about animals we find in arctic areas and how bears and penguins keep warm in these freezing conditions. Children loved finding out more about arctic animals and volcanoes by selecting videos on tablets, developing both their knowledge of the world and IT skills.

Wishing everyone a lovely, restful weekend!

EYFS Team.


Nursery and reception have learned a new song "Little bird" with beautiful tune. We have spoken about different birds and how they talk. Children have found in very funny.