Once again we have had a wonderful week in the early years learning so many new things while having fun. We continued to understand the world around us. The children were fascinated by a globe of the world. George was particularly interested in the fact that the world is round and relieved to hear that you cannot walk to the end of the world and fall off.

Why do polar bears have white fur? This was the question posed to the children this week as we continue to investigate the Arctic region. The children came up with some very creative answers. One particular answer, “they look like the snow and nobody can see them”. A discussion led by the children’s own interest resulted in a discussion about animals blending into their snowy environment. This discussion developed further, about how other animals blend into their environment. They learned a new word ’camouflage’.

In literacy we listened to rhymes through song. The children made up their own nonsense rhymes and tried to continue a rhyming string. This was further developed in music where the children used the xylophone to beat out the rhythm and rhyme in a song.

In Numeracy we continued to develop our number sense from 6-10. This included understanding quantities, grasping the concept of more and less and larger and smaller.

We started the initial process of understanding positional language, using objects in the environment. The children were given the opportunity to develop their technology and fine motor skills through the use of the interactive white board and activities and games prepared for them on the iPad.