This week in Drama, the students have been building upon the Freeze Framing that they have been doing previously. This week we began to look at Thought Tracking, in which the scene stops and the main character gives a solo speech, expressing their thoughts to the audience. We began by looking at various images and the students created dialogue based on the photos.


Autumn is in full swing and the classes are getting chilly as well.

Finding the nth term of a sequence is the final goal for the Year 7 Maths Class. Students are learning about the algebraic rule that defines a sequence, which can also be used to find any term of that sequence. They are learning how to find missing terms in sequences and why sequences are so important especially in the modern era.

Transformation of shapes and objects is testing the creativity of the Year 8 math’s class. They are analysing movements of shapes through different translations, enlargements and rotations. They are also using these skills to solve some shape brain teaser.

Cells are the base of all living things and Year 10 are studying the Structure, parts and function of the cell. They are breaking down the different parts of the cell and studying their function in the cell and thus see how the different cells perform.

Year 11 biology has finally finished their study about the excretion system of the human body and has completed their worksheets about this topic. They have a better understanding about why the kidneys , the skin and the liver is such important organs for a human being and that if you have problems with any of those it can have very serious consequences for the person

The difference between Lipids and Carbohydrates are investigated by the Year 12 students. They are analysing the structure, number of elements and function of the two to understand their differences. They learn about saturated and unsaturated fats like Triglycerides, Steroids, Oils and waxes as well as mono-, di-, oligo-, and polysaccharides (Carbohydrates).


This week year 8 began to study nutrients and how a balanced diet can be obtained by the right combination of them. Later on this week, the students did a research on those nutrients, in particular, vitamins and minerals. Each student was given a task – to prepare a project about a certain vitamin or a mineral, why it is needed, where it is found and how the excess of one or another can affect us. Some pupils created a Power Point presentation, the others found some good pictures and facts and carried out their work on a piece of paper. Finally, the students presented their projects in front of the class. Apart from showing their work to the class, each student had to choose the best project. Was the project easy to understand? Were there any facts they found interesting? Was the student able to answer some questions about the nutrient they were telling us about? All these criteria were taken into account to made the final decision. Everyone voted anonymously and the winners turned out to be Lelde and Elza who collected the highest and equal number of votes! Their projects were absolutely fantastic with beautiful animations and understandable content, which was really interesting to listen to. Aleksey and Valery also got some votes, so well done! Excellent work, Year 8!