Year 6

It was really nice to see all of the students this week. Hearing about the different ways they have transitioned to E Learning and being at home, Year 6 has been really great at adapting and persevering through these challenging times and being successful with our E Learning. In maths this week we learned more about algebra and patterns with numbers, and in English we started reading out E Book called the “Bronze Age”. This was an interesting book, and we looked at the use of tenses the author uses. In topic we read more about World War II and the lives that were forever changed and some major incidences that had profound impacts in that war. In sciences we learned more about Sir Isaac Newton and his role in the discovery of light and sound speed. We also had a fun art lesson on Tuesday, and the students created some great works J well done this week! I am very impressed with my class.

Year 5

It has been another fun week of elearning and Year 5 have been excited to share and teach each other new features they have discovered on Zoom. In English, we carried out market research, designed a product, made an eye catching poster and carried out a persuasive pitch to some special judges. In Maths, we have continued to explore fabulous fractions including simplifying, finding equivalents, adding fractions and comparing with decimals and percentages. In Science, we have revised the properties of materials and planned and carried out an investigation to explore them in further detail. Check out Year 6's photos to see our perfect pencil skills that we learnt in Art

Year 4

During the third week of e-learning, we joined Mr. Ward’s video conferences, using Zoom! In English, we focussed on the theme, ‘Being Active is Healthy’. We read ‘Incredible Sports’ online and discovered a range of strange new sports: underwater hockey, called ‘octopush’, joggling and cycle polo. In Maths, we revised factor pairs, calculated unit and non-unit fractions of amounts, and did our best to solve a Maths puzzle! In Science, we looked at series and parallel circuits, and discovered that lights bulbs glow brighter in parallel circuits. Our Topic lesson discussed how holidays have changed for British families over time. Nowadays, millions of British families spend their holidays abroad, especially in Spain!

Year 3

What can you do in a minute? That was a question that year 3 had to answer during Maths inquiry. The challenge was to perform 5 exercises (linked to our Staying Active Inquiry), estimating and then counting the number of times they could do each exercise. Everyone was super focused on collecting data and had fun exercising at home. “It was definitely the best learning we did, “said Sasha. Highlights for other students have been listening to our new novel, Fantastic Mr Fox, learning about syllables and measuring the perimeter of different shapes.