Year 3 was full of rock stars this week. We researched all the properties of the 3 different types of rocks and became rock detectives again, this time thinking about what rock is best for different types of jobs. We had fun making number lines so that we can use them as a strategy to add and subtract bigger numbers. One of the values of EIS is to challenge the children and our weekly ‘tricky’ word problem in Maths certainly did that this week. The children worked in groups and everyone in the group had to be able to explain and show, how the answer was found. You would have been very proud listening to the Maths language used and cooperation that was shown. We have begun a new unit writing our own autobiographies. Another great week of learning.
In English, we reflected on the life of Neil Armstrong, the first man who set foot on the Moon. We were intrigued to discover that, from a young age, he was crazy about planes. We were very surprised to discover that he got his pilot’s licence before he had learnt to drive a car. In Maths, we used counting up (the frog method) to calculate time intervals. It was an interesting challenge, calculating the time intervals of flights from London to airports across the globe. In Topic lessons, we came to understand that the Roman army played a very important role in expanding the Roman Empire. We learnt to identify the weapons used by a Roman soldier, the materials from which they were made, and the purpose for which they were used. In Science, we used battery holders, electric wires, crocodile clips and lightbulbs to see how series circuits differ from parallel circuits. We continued to practise identifying body parts in French. In ICT, we have been learning how to improve our typing skills, using both hands on the keyboard.
Year 5 have had another week filled with exploration and learning. In Maths, we have focused on statistics, particularly looking at increasingly complex line graphs. We saw their application in real life situations, covering weather, athletics and space exploration. In English, we learned about different forms of speech in writing. We practised using speech marks accurately and looked at how speech differs in a playscript, before adapting a narrative text into our own playscripts. In Topic, we learned about two powerful city-states in Ancient Greece. We compared life in the two and discussed where we would prefer to have lived. Later, we took our ideas and composed a piece of writing on our Ancient Greece websites, explaining the pros and cons of living in each place. In Science, we continued learning about the planets of our Solar System and also explored why we see different constellations at different times of year.