“Ancient Egypt is so interesting” said Jarek this week after we learned about how mummies were preserved. Ellie thought it was cool and a bit yukky pulling a brain out through the nose! There was lots of talking and questioning as we went through the process. Another highlight for year 3 this week has been making our own papyrus. It was a bit mucky but it was so much fun. When our papyrus is completely dry we are going to write messages on it using hieroglyphics. In English, we have been learning about how conjunctions show time order and we used our new knowledge to write about mummification. In Maths we used our knowledge of bonds to 20, 50 and 100 and doubles to solve Maths problems. Another exciting week of learning.


In English, we read an eBook, titled ‘A Huge First step’. It features the inspiring biography of Neil Armstrong, the first man on the Moon. We are examined Neil Armstrong’s skills, personal qualities and experiences that prepared him for his big moment. In Maths, we focussed on counting in 6s and 9s, and recalling multiplication and division facts for the 6 and 9 times-tables. We discovered that the digits of multiples of 9 always add up to multiples of 9. For example, 45: 4 + 5 = 9; 81: 8 + 1 = 9; 117: 1 + 1 + 7 = 9. Amazing! In Topic lessons, we placed in the correct sequence the frames of a cartoon strip, featuring the story of Romulus and Remus. We also watched an interesting videoclip about the history of the Roman Empire. In Art, we completed our mosaic compositions, which include one of Roman architecture’s most famous features: the arch. In Science, we looked at home appliances. We discovered that some appliances use mains electricity, some are battery-operated, and some use both. We are becoming quite proficient in counting and recognising a few basic colours in French. In Personal, Social, and Health Education (PSHE), we learnt that, by setting goals, we can become effective learners! Another busy, but very interesting week!


It has been another interesting week full of learning in Year 5. This week we began learning about the Ancient Greeks. We first looked at the growth of the Ancient Greek Empire and then learned about democracy in Ancient Greece and compared it to the democracy we have today. In Science, we began learning about Space and explored the mystery about how fast the Earth is spinning. It turns out it’s pretty fast! In English, we have been reading a book called James and the Giant peach and using similes when creating our own character descriptions. In Maths, we have learned about multiplying and dividing decimals by 10, 100 and 1000. We also learned some shortcuts for multiplying and dividing mentally.