Year 3
At the end of the second week of home e-learning, students in Year 3 have been excellent with their effort in contributing to class conferences and submitting work. Although we are on lockdown students have still been learning new things and challenging themselves through their work or in our daily wellbeing activities.
In English we have been looking at distinguishing between clauses and phrases, identifying different types of clauses, refreshing our knowledge about conjunctions and recognizing that a subordinate clause begins with a conjunction.
In Maths, we have been looking at a new method of solving multiplication problems. Using grid method students have been solving 2x1digit number and 3x1digit number multiplication problems. Some have even been challenging themselves with a year 5 objective of 2x2 digit number multiplication using grid method.
In Science we have begun to plan our scientific investigation into how different matter can change when introduced to new environments. The aims of different students’ investigations are about determining how ice reacts to different temperatures of water.
Year 4
This week we really got into the swing of things online. In English we looked at different and creative ways of writing a story and using different types of sentences in our stories. One of our stories this week involved getting creative with emojis, which was done on Seesaw. In Math this week we revised Multiplication and the different methods we used for multiplication. In Science we learned about floods, what causes floods and what we can do to prepare for flooding. In Topic we looked at life in Britain during the swinging 60's.
We also learned how important it was to remain positive. We learned that eating healthily and doing activities that are relaxing play a very important role in staying positive. It is also important to be kind to those around us by doing random acts of kindness not only during this difficult time, but every day.
Year 5
It has been a testy week, being the first week for staff working from home as we continue to try to teach, work and sustain pupil engagement at a distance. I can see that everyone in Year 5 has been busy with the all the various activities and tasks set not just by myself but by the other Specialist teachers too so well done and let’s keep it up! I have been delighted at the planning and final pieces of writing that have been coming through for English which will summarise and help to conclude a unit of work which we started several weeks ago! Finally, I am aware that as the children love their Art and whilst I am not following scheme of work for the duration of our Isolation, they have been enjoying doing and submitting some simple but really effective pieces of work so thank you everyone. Have a healthy and safe weekend!
Year 6
Year 6 has been extremely busy this week. We have been working hard on completing all of our online assignments and we have even been having full online lessons in Topic and English. We were also taking part in the Wellbeing challenges this week, including random acts of kindness, making origami, and healthy eating. It has been an extremely busy week for us but we have been having a lot of fun.
Physical Education
This week with Primary school we have been enjoying our Warm-up conference calls to keep working as a team. It was really driving, positive and energetic workout.
Also we took part in the global challenge “PE with Joe”. We have been very successful at completing our assignments at home. Thank you to all of students for enthusiasm and hard work!