As we are coming to the end of term, the class is still very busy. In English this week we have been focusing on further development of our comprehension skills, we have been using images to improve our use of adjectives and focusing on our reading and phonics skills in guided reading. In Maths, we have been looking at the placement of two- and three-digit numbers on number lines and subtraction across hundreds and thousands. In Science, we have continued our work on the body, first building a skeleton and the muscles, before identifying the major muscles in our bodies. In Topic we have looked at Chinese New Year, with focus on how the animals become the different years of the Chinese zodiac.


This week has involved a mix of usual lessons and end of term assessments for Year 4 This is what we have been doing this week:

In English, we have been studying poems/poetry. We have been studying the Grace Nichols poems: ‘Morning’ and ‘Sun’. We have been learning how to identify and use the poetic techniques of personification, metaphors, and similes. We have also carried out reading assessments.

In Math, we have been revising the content of what we have learnt this term to prepare us for the Math assessments. We have revised long addition, subtraction, multiplication and division methods, measures, and fractions.

In Science this week we have revised the key vocabulary and content learnt this term about ‘Dangers to living things’ and have then carried out a Science assessment.

In Topic this week the children made giant snowflakes which will form part of the classroom Christmas decorations for the final week


Year 5 have had a really hard-working and fun week. They have approached their assessments in a very grown up manner and have worked their hardest which is all anyone can ask. It also gives me the chance to plan further and harder for next term to plug any gaps in learning.

The children have been thoroughly enjoying the chance to work further on their Genius Hour Projects which are nearing completion and will be ready to present next week to both their peers in other classes in school and hopefully to you, their parents, via Zoom.

In Science, we have achieved remarkable results with some pretty impressive boats and sails which we will be testing further to investigate our buoyancy and air resistance.

We are nearing the end of our Topic module on Celebrations. We have enjoyed learning about celebrations from the major religions of Hinduism, Islam and Judaism and will finish off by discussing the real meaning of Christmas and its importance to Christians by the end of this week.


We have been very busy this week in Year 6. We have been writing all of our assessments this week plus we have 2 very large projects due as well. We did very well on our assessments and now we are working hard to complete our stop motion films about various Celebrations around the world. It has been very challenging and we have been learning a lot about how to film, making sure our clips are long enough for our speaking parts and how to edit them all together. It has been a busy week but we are doing great.


Year 5 and Year 6 have practiced with the “Hedwig’s Theme” from Harry Potter movie on the piano. The students have been learning music notations and have been practicing on piano independently.


It was the most interesting week in Year 4, 5 and 6. We has been learning about the types of Russian lexis (synonyms, antonyms, homonyms and ambiguous words). Also, we were talking about our individual vocabulary, which includes both our active and passive vocabulary. The students made an important conclusion: we need to enrich our active vocabulary, because our wide vocabulary helps us to understand what we read or listen, and to write and speak well.


We are getting ready for the holidays, and this week we are sharing the joy and love with beautiful Christmas cards! Y 3 and 4 used coloured paper and pens to create a wonderfully creative gift for the people they love. Children decorated their cards and wrote a Christmas message inside the it. Year 5,6 and 7 designed their own Christmas cards and painted it with watercolors.