It has been a settling week back in to class after the slightly extended break. As we enter the new half term, students have undertaken some assessments and welcomed a new student into our class. (Welcome, Jaayden). In English this week we have focused on reading comprehension, as well as thinking about and discussing the different things that should be a part of an autobiography. In Maths, we have done focused on doubling and halving of different numbers using a range of strategies. In Science, we have looked at our new unit and made a lists of ideas and questions we find interesting about the theme of movement and feeding and in Topic we have learned a little about the history of Halloween and how different traditions such as trick or treating or the wearing of costumes began.
Year 4
Welcome to the first newsletter of the new term! The children have settled well back into school. This is what we have been doing this week:
In English we have started our new topic ‘Audiobooks and Podcasts’. We have focused mainly on listening skills to recall the ‘The Ghost Thief’ story and identify background sounds and how they are used for effect.
In Math, we have been learning methods to double and half 3-digit numbers and fractions focusing on bigger and smaller than and equivalence.
In Topic we have started our new unit about celebrations from around the world. This week we learnt about ‘Chinese New Year’, its origin traditions and customs.
In Science we have started out new unit about ‘Living things and their habitats’. We looked at the tricky vocabulary and got a basic overview of some of the content that will be covered throughout the unit.
Year 5
It is unbelievable to think that the first week back has almost finished. The children have been tired and a little sleepy getting back into the routine of being back at school but have still given it their all in lessons. In English, we have started to read our first class novel of the year, Friend or Foe by Michael Morpurgo. The children have contributed to good class discussions around the period that this story is set (World War II) which resulted in millions of children being evacuated to the English countryside. It has also been lovely to
hear everyone reading out loud either to the whole class or to a partner. In Maths we have been looking at factors and multiples which is forcing us to both develop and strengthen any existing times table knowledge and number awareness. In Science, we have started to look at Forces and consider the different types of forces. Initial class discussion has been excellent with many children beginning this unit of work having some knowledge and awareness of force and for those who don’t, they will know a lot more by Christmas so there is nothing to fear! Finally, the children have completed some fantastic Halloween art based around the work of Paul Klee, which we began initially during the online week before half term. In class they have created fabulous versions of their original paper drawings using black and coloured paper. Needless to say, it has been another really tough decision choosing the top 3, really tough.
Year 6 has had a very busy week. We have been working hard on a very big project that Mr. Marsh have us. We are creating Stop Motion Films about celebrations around the world. We have to do research, create scripts, make storyboards, design sets and props and film the project. It has been very challenging but we are doing great.
This Term in Art we are going to learn about different festivals and celebrations all around the world. This week we have been learning about Diwali festival. With Year 1 and 2 we were making a design of Mehndi hands, using different materials, with Year 3 and 4 we were making a paper Diya (Paper Candle) step by step using coloured paper and with Year 5 and 6 we started our beautiful Mandala designs in a quilling technique. Students were rolling narrow strips of paper into coils which are then arranged to form a decorative pattern.
Russian Native
Y5 has been continuing to work hard in Russian class this week. We have been learning about combination of words in a sentence. Also the students had a Spelling battle. It was so cool!
«Last Russian lesson we had a spelling battle. Everyone was going to the white board and was writing the words from our personal dictionary. If someone had 10/10, he get a high grade and a stamp. I like the spelling battle very much!» - Natasha Y5
«Last lesson we did a spelling battle. Everyone was going to the white board and Miss Alla was dictating the spelling words. Then we checked our classmate’s work. I got everything correct! Everyone who got everything write, will get a star stamp” - Maria Y5
“Last lesson of Russian we had a spelling battle. We went to the board and three people wrote ten spellings and the remaining people checked it. If they got everything write they would get a sticker. We got our words from our personal Russian Dictionary. I really liked the spelling battle” - Sebastian Y5
“On the last lesson we had a spelling battle. Everyone was a teacher to check our spelling. I think it was pretty fun. I felt a bit scared but also exited. I had 7/10. I liked to be a teacher!” - Elise Y5
It was a great week in music lessons. We have already talked about celebrating Guy Fawkes Night and Remembrance Day. Students like to learn different songs about these celebrations. The students began to learn to play the xylophone. We talked about the alphabet of music. Christmas time is approaching and we are learning Christmas songs.