It has been a very productive week in Year 3. Students have been engaged in all our different lessons, supporting each other and working hard. In English we have been focusing on spelling skills, recognising the different types of conjunctions and how these are used in context in writing. In Maths we have been continuing recapping some number skills and having greater challenge by carrying, regrouping and using larger digits. Some of our students have been working together on very challenging problem-solving tasks. In Science we learned about different types of rocks, their characteristics and how to categorise them. In Topic we began to create our ushabti models from our original drawings.


Week 3 has been another brilliant one for Year 4!

In English, we have continued our non-fiction unit about ‘Biographies’. This week we have learned about the problems astronauts face in space and the chronology of Neil Armstrong’s life from childhood to adulthood with particular focus on significant life events.

In Math, we have been learning about how to use Place Value to help us add and subtract numbers by multiples of 10 and 100 quickly. We have also been answering questions involving the terminology more or less.

In Topic, we have been continuing to learn about The Romans and in particular learning the names of the Roman soldier’s weaponry and clothing and each of their function.

In Science, we have continued exploring ‘Electricity’, differentiating between the appliances that are powered by a battery and mains electricity. We have also learnt the names of some basic circuit components.

In PSHE, we have started out unit about ‘Friendship’. In this week’s lesson, we have learned about the various aspects that make a ‘Positive Friendship’.


Year 5 have had another thorough and hard-working week applying themselves fully in all aspects of their learning. We have been flagging towards the end of this week though and as a staff we are very aware that the children are still lacking the stamina they would normally have at this time of the year. I also think that the common cold has been doing its rounds, so please wrap up and take care.

In maths we have applied our place value knowledge to calculate written methods for addition and then use these in several maths challenges on two separate days. In English, we have been reading out loud, discussing and reciting some more of Michael Rosen’s poems.

I have had the pleasure of teaching a little bit of French this week and the children are almost at the stage where they can write and rehearse mini conversations in French with both questions and answers.

In Science we are continuing to learn about the planets and space with all kinds of fun and mind-boggling facts.


Year 6 has been busy this week. We are getting back into the routines of classes, homework, and of course spending time with our friends! It has been a great week of reviewing, learning about Pompeii, and the history of the Aztec and Mayan civilizations. We have been working hard, to learn the new rules and added responsibilities of Year 6, and are excited for the year ahead.


In Year 3 kids were investigating how the Egyptians made the pyramids and why they mummified their dead. To get our minds around this concept we got our hands involved, so we were making paper 3d mummies this week.

Mosaics are pictures made up of tiny pieces of marble, glass or stone. They were very popular in ancient Greece and can be found in various floors of ancient Greek buildings. Year 5 made a mosaic art activity this week , teared up pieces of different colored tissue paper into small bits and created a using the pieces.

Year 6 created an Aztec Sunstone with their own radially symmetrical design.


During this week in Primary school we have learned jump skills from spot. All children showed very good agility in this. They were very excited and had an enjoyable and physically active time. Also they showed wonderful throwing and catching skills during outdoor games in the sun and fresh air.


This week the Y4 and Y6 presented their Acrostic poems about themselves.

Acrostic Poem is a type of poetry where the first, last or other letters in a line spell out a particular word or phrase. The most common and simple form of an acrostic poem is where the first letters of each line spell out the word or phrase

The students focused on phrases or adjectives, which represent them (hobbies, personality).

Writing poems develops creative and imaginative skills and improve language skills.

We had a lot of fun with this work! Well done!