Year 1 have been busy sorting this week! They have been sorting shapes, toys, colours, blocks and a variety of other things. This is part of our focus on ‘shape’ in maths. As well as sorting shapes, we have been learning how to name and describe regular 2D shapes as well as arrange them into a repeating pattern. We have also learnt about lines of symmetry and enjoyed painting butterflies and ladybirds, folding the paper and seeing how the painting becomes symmetrical!
In phonics, we have been learning about the sounds m, d, g, o, c and k and adding these to the sounds we focused on last week – s, a, t, p, i and n. We have been making words and simple phrases out of these sounds, such as I sat in a gap, A dog is on a mat and I can pat a cat.
In topic, we have learnt about the different rooms in our homes and talked about all of the different types of home we live in during the week and at weekends or on holidays.
I am looking forward to seeing the exciting home learning on Seesaw this week as well as seeing how many books the children have read on Bug Club.
Year 2 have achieved a lot during the first month back at school! They have all readjusted to an English speaking environment and happily converse with each other in English throughout the day. We will shortly begin assessments of learning in English, Maths, Topic and Science. Every week, we have a spelling check and we can see the children are working hard to learn the spelling patterns. They had great fun feeding the spelling words to our sound monsters this week! In literacy, In Maths, the children are learning to give directions from a map and also continuing to learn to add 2-digit numbers. In Topic lessons, we are travelling the world! The children watch videos of animals prowling the jungle or climbing trees and we have discussed why certain animals are suited to different climates. In Science, the children have begun to research information about the life cycle of their chosen animal. The children enjoy Music, Art and PE lessons together. They are excited to return to the big sports hall next week.
>span class="s2">th birthday! We are excited about our upcoming Halloween celebration and we can start to prepare our costumes for this.
Well done Year 2, we look forward to seeing your amazing progress continue!