This week, Year 1 have been making the most out of the beautiful and warm September weather with lots of exciting outdoor learning. The British Curriculum believes in learning through meaningful activities and the best way to create these is to let the children show us what they are interested in. This allows us to incorporate their interests into purposeful learning experiences. In the outdoor classroom, they have plenty of opportunities to explore different parts of the curriculum from art to science. They can settle into some creative drawing painting, colouring, cutting or sticking. They can run, climb, throw and catch or they can gather leaves and make a leaf restaurant that serves milkshakes and soup! This may mean that they make a mess in the soil, water, sand or with the things that nature gives them such as leaves and trees. An important part of the British approach is to support the children’s curiosity and encourage them to explore freely. Please do support us in this and don’t be too worried if your child has to change their clothes in school because they were wet or dirty. That is why we ask for a change of clothes. Your child is learning in an environment that is safe, challenging and happy – which is what we all want after-all!
In maths, we have been learning about doubling and counting on and back. We have been using Numicon and multlink to help us visually manipulate numbers. We have also been practicing our number formation so that we can record our thinking clearly and in a way anyone can read.
In phonics, we have been exploring the sounds s,a,t,p,I and n. We have been reading them as individual sounds and learning if they are stretchy or bouncy. We have been blending them into short words such as at, in, sat, sit, pin, tins and pins. We have been segmenting them from whole words, such as ant is a-n-t. We have been reading books containing satpin words and some of us have been attempting to write words from these sounds.
Please access the weekly homework on both Seesaw and Active Learn Primary. Reading at home is such a valuable activity you can do with your child and, although reading virtual books is not quite the same as reading ‘real’ books, we have access to an excellent resource on Active Learn Primary and we would love it if you could regularly access it.
Year 2 travelled around the world this week! We learned about the home countries of our classmates. We looked at the shapes and symbols on many world flags in our atlas. We drew our favourite flags. Year 2 learned how to say ‘Hello’ in several languages. We are starting to learn the capital cities. In Maths, we are learning to read maps and give directions. Children drew a map from school to the park or shop and gave directions: turn left, turn right, go straight ahead. We also hid objects in our school and tried to give directions to find them. Year 2 are becoming more accurate in calculating the addition and subtraction of 2-digit numbers. I am very impressed with how much the children are reading on Active Learn. Many children are also sending videos to SeeSaw of fantastic learning at home! Well done Year 2. We are very proud of you!