In Year One this week, we have had an important job to do – decorating the Christmas tree!
In English, we have been making our own version of the Gingerbread Man story by changing the animals that chased the gingerbread man – we made stories with rabbits, hamsters, zebras, eagles, wolves and cheetahs to name a few! In Phonics, many of us are now able to write a sentence being dictated to us with no help from Ms Alison – she is very happy about this!
In Maths we have revised our measuring skills practising how to measure with cubes, hand spans and metre rulers. We have also been solving subtraction problems and word problems.
In Science, we recapped which animals are mammals and which are birds and we spoke about the importance of feathers for birds. Then we looked at reptiles and what makes them special.
In Topic, we remembered what happened during the First Thanksgiving. We have also looked at Eid and what people do during this celebration.
Well done to all of our Year 2 children, another great week! Especially, as we have been looking at the value of teamwork in PSHE – we have proved its value.
In English, we have been looking at adjectives and some of us at noun phrases, including expanded noun phrases. Our Phonics sessions have been donated to looking at Year 2 Tricky Words. We also completed comprehension sessions on subjects such as Chinese New Year.
In Maths, we have been adding coins and making amounts. Some of us have been learning about pounds and pence, how they relate to other currencies and adding larger amounts. We also been practicing for our assessment papers next week.
In Science, as part of our ‘Habitats’ unit, we watched a video and discussed pond habitats. We studied what lives in the water, on the water, in the air above the water and on the land at the pond’s edge. It is a vibrant habitat!
In Topic, we looked at Chinese New Year in more detail, along with help from Yinuo, and listened to the legend about the race that formed the Chinese zodiac. We also completed art and craft projects based on this theme.
“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”
Benjamin Franklin
Year 1 created a "The Nutcracker" this week, they were using crayons and drew a nice Nutcrackers by themselves. Y2 were drawing a snowman and Y3 made a nice winter drawing by zoom.