This week Nursery have been busy with many activities incorporating many of the skills required in early years.

We continued to read “The Kissing Hand” by Audrey Penn. Nursery completed some design activities relating to the story. They made masks of Chester the Raccoon and role- played the story. Using different art media, the children were able to create their own Chester to put in our art gallery.

Gross motor skills are the actions that involve movement and coordination of the large muscles of the body for standing, walking, running, sitting upright and other activities. Preschool age is the most important time to acquire and practice gross motor skills. Well-developed gross motor skill helps our child to build balance, speed, and endurance. Gross motor skills in P.E. this week included running, catching and balancing.

Fine motor skills this week included the threading of pasta to make a necklace for mummy. They looked at the different shapes and colours of the pasta on offer and were able to decide on the pattern they wanted for their special necklace. Nursery enjoyed creating faces out of play dough with the choice of loose parts to make their creations fun and innovative. Using paint and sponge stamps the children were able to strengthen the muscles in their hands by following a spiral pattern.

A favourite this week was pouring water beads into different containers to see which containers held the most and the least. The children loved the experience of this tactile activity.