Nursery and Reception
We welcomed Nursery and Reception back to school after a short break. Two new children joined our class, Longteng and Alexey. They have both been warmly received into our class and were able to make new friends on the first day. Reception and Nursery have now been combined into one class and have spent the week exploring their new environment learning a few new routines and making new friends in their group.
If you haven’t already guessed, our sound this week was ‘S’. We have slithered like snakes in the grass, learned the jingle and done some activities to reinforce this sound in playdough, magnetic sand and making a collage.
In Russian the children were able to demonstrate some of the Russian sounds they have learned by blending the sounds to complete the picture puzzle.
Music this week was very exciting. The children are learning to play a simple tune on the xylophone. We have also started to practice for our end of the year performance which is a secret at the moment.
Understanding different celebrations provides children with an important knowledge and understanding of other cultures. This forms an important part of our learning in early years. Nursery/Reception have chosen the Christmas celebration of lights. We will be show casing our talents to the parents at the end of the term.