Year 6
What a busy week Year 6 has had! This week we read our E Book about Easter and learned about the religious significance of this holiday season and why some people celebrate this in certain ways. We answered questions and posed some good ones as well as it related to the subject. In Maths, we continued expanding and solidifying our knowledge on fractions, place value, 3 digit multiplication and division, as well as completing an Easter Maths challenge on Wednesday. In Topic we continued learning more about World War II and the major events that are significant to us. In Sciences, we built an “Egg Trap” challenge to see how we can protect a fragile egg when falling at certain distances. For Design Technology, some of the students in my class designed and made their own Easter Biscuits, which looked absolutely delicious. We may be far apart, but I really feel close to my class seeing their dedication and hard work that they put into their E Learning online. Well done Year 6!
Year 4
During the fourth week of e-learning, we focussed on the theme, ‘Easter’. We discovered that the Jewish Passover and the Christian Easter festival are closely linked. We enjoyed designing Easter baskets, bonnets and eggs for the annual Easter Art Competition. In English, we are creating data presentations on ‘Incredible Sports’. In Maths, we sat two end-of-term tests, Arithmetic and Problem-solving, to demonstrate what we learnt in Spring Term. In Science, we are busy making data presentations, focussing on inventors of electrical devices: Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Edison. In Topic sessions, we were amazed to discover that video games in the 1950s were very simple, in black and white, with little or no sound! Imagine that!
Year 5
Money, Money, Money. In Maths, we have revised the value of British money and applied it to a range of Easter word problems. We also wrote our own word two or three part word problems and answered them. During Theme, we continued with Easter activities by learning the Easter story and researching Easter around the world. Did you know the Russian and Spanish word for Easter is the same? In English, we revised different sentence openers and applied them when writing instructions. We looked at using 'ing' clauses, prepositions and fronted adverbials. Why do you think we need to apply different sentence openers?
Year 3
This week Vibhav, our intrepid reporter, reports from his home office in Moscow. The most challenging thing I did this week was trying to solve the maths challenge word problems because I had to think a lot. I completed 10 problems but I’m still working on the challenge. On Monday we were given a tricky problem where we had to use our maths knowledge to interpret clues so that we could figure out who smashed all the Easter eggs. I found it kind of easy and I know who did it!
As a reporter, I have to do lots of research. This week I researched how Easter is celebrated in some different countries. Did you know that it does not have a set date each year? In Russia, people dye eggs in onion skins and it makes them red. Easter is a time to celebrate with family but this year we have to stay safe and stay home. But we can talk to them on Zoom.
By senior reporter