Welcome to the latest newsletter from EIS Moscow South West.
It has been an interesting week all round. Rehearsals were underway in KS2 for the Robin Hood Musical, plans were being made for school visits in and around Moscow, International Day, as well as coffee mornings and parents evenings. As you are now aware these events have all been postponed and our energies have been redirected into thinking about how to keep students safe from the virus and preparing for a possible school closure. Thank you to parents and staff for your support and understanding as we go through this unique process, we will keep you updated on any changes.
Today we will be sending home ‘Bring your own devices’ letters for all students, except for those in years 4 & 6 who have already have received them. Please read the letter, sign and return the slip to your class teacher on Monday. It is important that as many students as possible bring their own devices into school on Monday so that we can help them to access online learning materials from our virtual learning environment in case the school has to close. Again, many thanks for your understanding and support in this matter.
Despite all the distractions students have been busy learning this week. It has been a privilege to watch a phonics lesson and see how confident and engaged our younger students have been in their learning. If you are a regular visitor to the school you will have noticed that our display boards are becoming areas in which we can display outstanding examples of students’ work, in the lobby there is now a display of Year 8 research on the Enlightenment Thinkers which demonstrates an excellent understanding of the main ideas of thinkers such as Voltaire and Rousseau. Well done Year 8.
We hope you enjoy the weekend.
Regards, Mel Hitchcocks and the EIS SW Team.