Although it has only been a 4 day week, the children in EYFS have been working really hard. Our story for the week is Rumble in the Jungle. In our Zoom call we spoke about the animals that you find in the jungle and the children brought some of their toy animals to the call and we spoke about whether they were herbivores or carnivores. We watched a video about the Rainforest and did a fun science experiment where the children made their own shaving foam rain clouds, using food colouring and shaving foam.
In phonics the children started work on the h sound and will be continuing their work on blending the sounds. In Maths they looked at ordering numbers, nursery children from 1-10 and Reception children from 11-20.
I look forward to more exciting learning from these amazing students.

Early Years was learning about tempo in music this week. Now they can sing and play beat in Allegro and Adagio tempos.