Welcome to the start of a new year in Year 3 at EIS SW. Over the past 10 days we have all been kept busy establishing new routines and getting to know everyone. Although it has been exhausting, it has been amazing to be back in the classroom with the students again.

In class, we have been focusing on place value using a range of different problem-solving tasks. In English, we have been looking at how prefixes influence the meaning of a base word and how to apply possessive apostrophes accurately to show ownership of an object. In Topic, we have introduced the first unit - ancient Egypt – and begun to design our own ushabti. Ushabti are the figurines that would be servants of a wealthy Egyptian in the afterlife.


It has been exciting getting to know Year 4! They have all settled well into school life and have already made a great start to the new academic year.

In English we have started our non-fiction unit about ‘Biographies’, studying Neil Armstrong with particular focus on his early life experiences, inspirations and the skills and personal qualities that made him into one of the most successful astronauts of all time.

In Math we have been learning about ‘Mental Addition and Subtraction Methods’ focusing on number bonds to multiples of 100 and exploring ‘Place Value’ with emphasis on being able to write numbers in words and digits to 10,000 and vice versa.

This term in Topic we will be studying The Romans and so far we have learnt some basic information about them and explored the areas of land they conquered as part of their Empire.

In Science we will be studying ‘Electricity’ and so far we have just learnt some basic facts: what it is, the two different types ‘Static’ and ‘Current’ and what it is used for.


Year 5 have had an excellent start to this Academic year and it has been wonderful to welcome back familiar and new faces alike to the South West Campus. Mindful and aware that getting out into as much fresh air as possible is really important, regardless of what the weather is doing, the children have still been applying themselves fully in class and have worked really hard in all their subjects. I have been delighted with their work on Place Value this week and everyone has worked confidently and accurately with 5 digit numbers. In English we have been appreciating the poetry of Michael Rosen and again, everyone has managed to write their own poem replicating his style and humour. Year 5 have also embraced the ‘Own Devices Policy’ and I am pleased that most children are able to bring in their own ipad or equivalent tablet, to use and assist in their learning during timetabled lessons. This has been particularly useful during French lessons with Mr Smith, who is still in the UK. The children have taken advantage of apps such as Quizlet and Kahoot ensuring fun and excitement in their language learning.


We have had a great week here in Year 6. We have been very busy settling into the new school year, working hard on learning the new rules, expectations and responsibilities of Year 6. We have been enjoying our new class, new friends and our new teachers. It has been a great start to the year and we are all looking forward to having a lot of fun in Year 6!


In year 6 we designed Mayan style masks using Gouache paints. Ancient Romans created beautiful mosaic artworks. In Year 4 kids made their own mosaic artworks, using colored paper and glue. Year 5 had a scratch-art project this week, they created a replica of an Ancient Greek pottery, using acrylic paint and crayons.