In Maths this week we have been applying our increasingly developing mathematical skills to problem solving tasks. These have been a challenge for students as they have been applying their skills in different ways and learning to explain their mathematical reasoning
In English applying our skills to independent pieces of writing. Our week started by recapping use of capital letters and subordinate clauses, and finishing off with creating a short story about a monkey and an elephant living in a rainforest split across five paragraphs.
Science has had the class identifying parts of flowers and understanding how these different parts of the flowers is important in protection or attracting insects.
In Topic we have begun our new unit on rainforests. The students have been using their mapping skills to identify countries which contain important tropical and temperate rainforests.
We welcomed Year 4 back to our virtual class this week. We started off learning about the Ancient Egyptians, exploring the legacy they left behind. This included exploring the pyramids of Giza, mummification and hieroglyphics. We also started on our Egyptian art as you can see in the pictures. In English we wrote news reports and some of us even became news reporters broadcasting our news reports online. We are off to a great start, but we have our end goal in sight winding down our final seven weeks in Year 4.
Despite being a shorter week and still having to work at a distance from home, it has been fantastic to work with Year 5 again after a restful and peaceful mid-term break. I hope that they feel that it has been a more relaxed week since we are all much more at ease with the technology that we are growing more comfortable at using every day! For English we have continued to read and discuss our class reader, I, Cosmo; in Maths we have been calculating missing angles on straight lines. Topic is still focused on mountains and mountain ranges around the world and our unit of work on Materials for Science will involve recognising and replacing different types of materials around the home.
Year 6 has been very busy this week, getting back into the swing of things following our break. We have been working on reading comprehensions in English and challenging ourselves with logic and problem solving in Maths. We are also very excited to start creating our Map of Year 6 in which we are sharing locations and stories of ourselves and out lives, it is going to be very exciting when it is finished.
KS2 is exploring Space in music. They were listening and discussing Mars and Venus from Gustav Holst's Planets. Also they were learning ostinato rhythm from the Mars. Year 6 was learning about Haydn's symphonies and even practiced to play the melody of Surprise symphony on the virtual piano.
This week, students in KS2 have demonstrated their knowledge of the Russian language by completing interesting and fun activities and exercises.