This week in Year 1 we have revised some of the sounds we learned in Phonics last year. In English, we have been reading the story of the Three Little Pigs and we used stick puppets to re-tell the story. We have been practising our handwriting by writing words and sentences about the story.
We have been counting to 20 in Maths, ordering numbers, trying to recognise the numbers on a dice without counting them and saying the number that comes next. We labelled a body in Science and we have looked at and compared different types of home in our Topic lessons. Finally in PSHE, we spoke about our families and drew pictures of who we live with. We have been busy this week!
Welcome to our new Year 2 children! Last week was more about getting used to school life again but this week we have started our Year 2 curriculum in earnest. One thing is for sure, we have many characters in our class!
In English, some of us have been writing simple and complex sentences about what we do in our spare time and having daily phonics sessions. In Maths, we have been looking at 1 to 3 digit numbers and learning about place value. We have also been ordering numerical values from smallest to largest.
In Science, as part of our ‘Living Things’ unit, we took advantage of the sunshine earlier in the week and investigated our school grounds. We recorded what things were alive or not alive; some of us also added what was once alive. In Topic, we started our ‘Around the World’ theme by learning about Russia – we completed fact files, drew the Russian flag and created Matryoshka dolls.
“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”
Benjamin Franklin
This week with Primary school we have been continuing focus on juggling and hand coordination. Also we did challenge with tennis ball where we showed good balance and reaction skills. Thank you to all students for enthusiasm.
It has been amazing week of Music. The pupils from primary school were sharing their singing and piano skills. Playing a game, “Beat” has helped them concentrate and understand what beat means and how it is important in music. The pupils have been learning about element of music. We spoke about speech in music and played with voice. The pupils like to explore their own voice’s ability. The pupils have started learning a new song.
This week Year 1 focused on sounds, learned about vowels А, У and symbolic representation of them, practicing their writing and reading skills. Kids also learned a lot of words that start with certain sounds.
What is "Live ABC" (“Живая азбука”)? "Live ABC" is a fun approach to teaching literacy. There are so many phonics rules! These rules help kids make connections between written letters and letter combinations and word sounds. This phonic game helps kids to become fluent readers and writers. We like this game so much!