Year 1
Although this week has been a little stranger than usual, Year 1 have continued to work hard and have shown resilient they can be when times change. Well done to everyone who has made the transition from school learning to home learning. In the beginning, it can be a little challenging as this is something we haven’t tried yet but with a lot of hard work we can make the best out of it.
In English, we have been focusing on ‘igh’ and ‘air this week. We can now read, write word with these trigraphs and some of us have successfully put them into sentences! We have also looked at our new Rhyme of the week “The itsy, bitsy spider”, and put the lines back into the right order as well as finding the capital letters, rhyming words and drawing a picture to illustrate the rhyme.
In our Maths lessons, we have learned how to tell the time. We can now read o’clock times, write them and make them on our own clocks. Year 1 also learned how to read and write the digital times for o’clock. We also read digital times and made the times on our mini analogue clocks. It was tricky at first, we didn’t give up and now we can do it with confidence! We have also been practicing how to log onto Mathletics and complete tasks independently.
Remember to continue your learning next week when you are home!
Year 2
Well done to Year 2 this week, they have really soldiered on and done the school proud!
We have accessed Canvas all week and many have become quite proficient now. As a result, we have really improved our general ICT skills and increased our capacity to learn independently.
In maths, we have used tally charts, block graphs and pictograms to record results from various fun activities.
In Science, we have investigated various materials in and out of the classroom to see if they could be manipulated by bending and/or twisting. What was interesting was the discovery of the application of force; how it transformed the outcome depending on which direction it was exerted.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” Benjamin Franklin