This has been a very busy week for Nursery and Reception. We are learning our songs and dance sequences for our winter concert. This includes being able to work together, listen to and follow simple instructions, and listen patiently while our peers are talking.

In Maths we looked at different shapes in the environment. We are able to name and describe four different shapes. We arranged these shapes to create our own rocket pictures. These were added to our role –play area where the children were able to describe their rocket and what it was like landing on the moon.

We continue to develop our phonic knowledge through the ‘Jolly Phonic’ programme, memorising sounds with corresponding letters, practicing the correct letter formation and learning jingles to help us to remember the sound.

In line with our topic on ‘Light and Dark’ we read the story “Night Monkey Day Monkey” by Julia Donaldson. Through this story we were able to continue our language development by trying to identify the rhythmic patterns and rhymes in stories.

Following on from our story ‘How to catch a Star by Oliver Jeffers the children enjoyed briefly exploring space travel. Following the children’s interest, Reception and Nursery have transformed the role-play area into a space station with a very exciting tuff tray, including glow in the dark moon stones, sparkly stars, astronauts and spaceships.

We looked at pictures of coloured lights and described the lights presently in shopping centers and on Christmas trees. We experimented with our thumb prints to make a pattern of festive lights using four different coloured paints.

Our salt dough stars that we made last week are almost dry and ready to paint and decorate. We look forward to adding these to our space station next week.