Dear Parents,

This week in language and literacy, we learned the “Ii” sound during phonics lessons. To help us remember the ‘Ii’ sound we have been singing about Inky the mouse who spilled the ink on the desk. Everyone enjoyed listening to the story of ‘The Gingerbread man’, as well as singing along to their favourite songs and nursery rhymes.

In Numeracy, the children have continued learning to find out one more, this time also looking at one less by taking away one. They have used concrete objects to count out amounts, adding on one more and taking away one to find one more and one less of an amount. We still need lots more practice!

In our learning area ‘Understanding of the World’, we have continued to look at the topic ‘Celebrations’ and this week we found out about the Mexican celebration of ‘The Day of the Dead’, a special 2-3 day celebration remembering and celebrating our love for loved ones who have passed away. We watched some of the movie ‘Coco’ to understand more about how this event is celebrated in Mexico and decorated our skull masks.

Children have enjoyed hunting for hidden treasure in the snow while outdoors, playing football, hula hoops and doing mark making with chalk on the hard areas. They continue with their fascination with melting snow and ice in little puddles of water, while freezing the adults with the magic wand in the play area. The best part of the week was decorating the Christmas tree with Year 1 and Year 5 !

Wishing everyone a lovely, restful weekend!