What a busy week we have had. We have been continuing with our phonics this week and we are getting really confident with our sounds, some of us are able to blend the sounds to make words. We listened to the story The Very Hungry Caterpillar, and then we completed a number of fun activities based on the book. We made a very hungry caterpillar out of healthy food, we counted using the caterpillar to help us. One of the tasks we had to do was to sequence the story, placing the pictures in the correct order. Ms Jacqui was able to help us with our Maths on a conference call. It is also important for us to understand what is going on in the world, so we had to design a Corona Virus Super Hero.

Manuella also baked some biscuits, they looked delicious. Ana has also been enjoying painting at home, you can see some of her amazing art work.

We had a lot of fun doing our Move and Freeze video together using Canvas conference call to do so, on Thursday morning. We are excited for the next one. As always Ms Jacqui is super proud of us.


This week we have been studying the topic of family members.

The children have learned what to call their parents in Russian.

Anna loves to repeat Russian words and to draw her family members.