Five EIS East students headed off to Budapest two weeks ago for a cultural tour of this wonderful city. We joined up with a group of six students who flew all the way from our sister school, British School Quito in Ecuador. No one wanted to leave when the week sadly came to an end. A big thank you to all the staff at Britannica International School and especially Mr Barker, who made this a memorable and enjoyable trip.
"This was mainly a historically based visit, however it was filled with plenty other aspects, ranging from culture to shopping to scrumptious dishes, which goes to say that it was suitable for any and every pupil and staff member who joined, regardless of their interests. It is also important to mention, I feel, that this was not the type of trip where most of the time is spent in a hotel relaxing and being on our phones. On the contrary, our trip was completely full of various activities and excursions, which were all planned out prior to the actual visit, which made it very difficult to get bored. Considering the countless ones that we took part, it is quite difficult for me to pick a favourite activity, however, I think the vampire and ghost historical tour might just be it. During this tour, we were informed of bits of Hungarian history, as well as told engrossing stories about the evil creatures of the country. To be completely honest, I wasn’t very excited for this particular activity, however it left me feeling very educated yet not bored at all. There is much more to mention, but I feel this is enough. In my opinion, and I’m sure all the other students will agree, this visit Budapest was honestly an amazing opportunity to learn and to genuinely enjoy ourselves."
Ekaterina Y8